Sunday, 22 December 2013

tartan dreams

So here is a quick little outfit of the day of some clothing that I've recently picked up. Tartan is everywhere at the moment, who doesn't love it?! 

I thought instead of going for the traditional red or green print, I would mix it up and go with grey. I know I will find a lot more clothes to wear with these as I can mix them with colour as well as black, white or grey, which is probably a bit harder with red or green tartan.

I'm thinking a beautiful cropped, pastel, fluffy sweater would look cute, so if any of you know where I can find one please let me know.  I'm so happy with them and they are hella comfy!

I'm still obsessed with my river island boots and even though its cold now I just layer them with thick socks, which makes it super acceptable apart from when its raining. Wet feet... never a good thing!

As soon as I saw this necklace I knew I had to have it! I love the fact that it looks like it could have been picked up from a street market in Morocco. Unfortunately this is not the case!
Lately I've been swaying more towards silver jewelry, which is very unusual for me as i am normally a devoted gold wearer but i think i may have been turned! 

Hope you like the outfit!


Trousers - Topshop
TeeShirt - Topsop
Necklace - Topshop
Boots - River Island

(I know.. I know... I know half of my outfit is from topshop but I cant get enough of them right now)


  1. I'm in love with your style!!! Love the slouchy look. ;)

  2. you're definitely a topshop lover haha, love the tartan pants... you're right. They go with much more things x

  3. Love the trousers, Tilly! Looks good with those boots too (:

  4. You look so good, really effortles & cool! I totally want a pair of plaid trousers and Asos have some gorgeous ones in the sale. :) x

    Živa from Nothin' Fancy. Really.

  5. Ohh you look so amazing! Love your boots a lot <3

    Jennie xo |

  6. This outfit looks lovely. You really look great!

    Dejhana | Waite a Little
