Sunday, 1 December 2013

Christmas Wish List

I can smugly say that my Christmas shopping is well and truly under way. Never before have I been this organised and I'm so happy with all the gifts I have purchased so far. 

Whilst traipsing the shops and searching on line for ideas of gifts for friends and family I couldn't help but stumble upon lots of things I would love for myself (oops) 
This was obviously going to happen and if I could I would pick them up along the way but I've succumb to putting them on my Christmas list. I thought I would share it with you as hopefully it will give you some ideas of things to put on your Christmas list or some inspiration of what to buy for others. 

Topshop Fedora Hat £25

I love the colour of this hat, I think it would be perfect to add a bit of interest to outfits through out the winter. 

Rosie for Autograph Silk Non Padded Balcony Bra with French Designed Rose Lace

I've lusted after Rosie's collection for Marks & Spencer for far too long without actually purchasing any of it! This balcony bra has made its way into my Christmas list though, it was hard to narrow it down to pick just one. I love the unusual colour of this and think it's quite sexy in an elegant, non obvious way.

Neom Christmas Wish: Home Candle
Mandarin, Cinnamon & Tonka Bean

This 3 wick candle smells so, so heavenly and Christmassy! I love lighting candles, especially during the winter as it really brightens up the room making it feel warm and cosy. With a 50 hours burning time I'd say this little beauty is pretty good value. 

 Anastasia brow wiz in brunette £15.50 (cult beauty)

I've never used any Anastasia products, but I've heard such great things about this product that being such a brow geek I really want to give it a try. Groomed brows can make such a difference to your face and I love the fact that this pencil comes with a little brush on the end as well. 

Anastasia Tinted Brow Gel in Brunette £16.50 (cult beauty) 

I couldn't get the brow wiz without the tinted brow gel now could I!? 
Apparently this offers firm hold with a natural, non-sticky appearance that will transform your brows in seconds. How could anybody revisit that! 

 GUERLAIN Terracotta Moisturising Bronzing Powder set #03 £34 (Debenahams)

This set comes with the bronzer in shade 03 and a bronzer brush. This is another product that I have been wanting to try for a long time so thought I would add it on to my Christmas list. I wear bronzer all year round and feel this would be perfect for winter as it gives a warm, medium golden tan with a soft, golden sheen. Geurlain bronzer's are known for darkening the skin in a way that suits your natural skin tone, so you don’t look orange or overdone. 

So there's my wish list, whats on yours? 



  1. Christmas wish is the most beautiful scent <3

    Jennie xo |

  2. I wonder how the candle smells!? The name makes me think that it would smell very nice <3

    check out my blog please?? :

  3. I do the exact same thing, end up making my own list when I'm supposed to be picking presents lol! I'd love to try that bronzer though it looks lovely!


  4. Amazing, so grateful to concentrate on that you were came returning & that you are still going to be on the on the internet shopping. We shouldn't let 1 bad encounter put us off all together :)
