Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Oribe Surfcomber REVIEW

Oribe Surfcomber Mousse £35

Words cannot describe how happy I am with this product! 

This tousled texture mousse does exactly what it says on the tin. I have tried other products that are designed to give the same effect but nothing compares to this. The main reason why is because of how it leaves your hair feeling. Other products that are designed to give that surfy/tousled effect always leaves my hair feeling dry and stiff... This however leaves the hair feeling soft and smelling gorgeous!

You only need a small amount (about the size pictured in hand) and it creates soft waves that looks like you've came straight from the beach. My hair naturally has a slight bend in it and unfortunately can also be fairly frizzy. I've shown how my hair went from using a small amount, it takes away the frizz and adds more of a wave rather than an undesirable bend. It's been called 'super model hair in a bottle' and I would say it definitely lives up to its name! 

To create this look after washing my hair I applied argon oil to the mid lengths and ends as my hair can get quite dry. I then rough dried the roots of my hair as I have very thick hair and without giving it a bit of extra help from the dryer it would take an age to dry. 
After blasting the roots dry with the hair dryer I then applied the surfcomber moose all over concentrating on the mid lengths and ends. As the hair was drying every so often I would give the waves a helping hand by scrunching my hair. 
I'm not one to wash my hair every day and my hair stayed looking fab for a few days after I just applied a bit of dry shampoo and sometimes added some extra waves with my GHDs for that bit of added texture. 

I've definitely become a fan of this brand and I'm really looking forward to trying more of their hair products! 

What hair products have you been loving lately... Have you tried any Oribe hair products?



  1. The product looks like something I would really love. I like that beachy wave look

    1. Me too, you should definitely try it if you love that look :)

  2. When you applied the product was your hair completely dry or still damp?
