Sunday, 1 June 2014

Kimono it casual

               Kimono - River Island
           Black crop top - River Island
         Denim cut offs - The people vs
                         Bag - eBay
                   Sandals - primark
                 Sunglasses - RayBan

When England was blessed with warm and sunny weather a couple of weeks back, I managed to bring my 'the people vs' denim cut offs out to play. 
I picked them up whilst in bali, they are a cool surf/skate inspired australian brand with some really unique pieces. 
What drew me to the shorts were the distressed look and the fact that they aren't so short that half of your bum cheeks are on show, like most of the denim shorts you find over here. 
They've also gotten lots of compliments, as has this beautiful kimono from river island.
The detail is beautiful and these pictures do not pick up just how beautiful the detailing actually is. 
I'm definitely going through a kimono phase right now, what are you drawn to at the moment? 

I'm also making a thing of getting my nails done at the moment, which really isn't like me at all but I'm kind of loving it!

Love love xx


  1. lately i'm in love with all kimonos , yours is fantastic! great rings too!!

  2. hey honey!

    I just found your blog and I reaaaally love it!
    such a great content and lay out!
    suffice it to say, that your outfits are the best!
    I was wandering if you would like to follow each other.
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    keep in touch!!
    filakiaa (kisses in greek)
